Custom Quote Candle

from $20.00

You can use your own favorite quote. At checkout, there is an “Additional Information” section where you can add your own quote. *15 word max.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

8 OZ Ethically sourced soy wax. Just pick your scent.

When you notice a price difference in the candles, it relates to the essential oils and the costs associated with them. The $20 dollar candles are fragrant oils and are Vegan Certified, USDA Organic Certified, and GMP Certified. The different priced ones are labeled by brand and different costs of essential oil.

Type of Glass:
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These candles are healthy reminders that feed your mental and spiritual health. Lighting a candle can promote a sense of well-being and calm. Help center yourself by lighting this candle everyday and focus on your positive intentions for the day. We get so caught up into the busyness and chaos of life, sometimes we simply need to feed our soul and ground ourselves. Take a few minutes to yourself everyday! If you have a quote you want to use, please select “Custom Quote Candle” and upon checkout, fill in the quote you want to use. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at